This is the guide for the equipment enchant
Reminder: There is no success chance in the enchant system. If you're lucky, you're lucky.
•What do you need to enchant your equipment: • 100x Poring Coins
• 10x Platinum Coins
• 100 POD(S) • 1x Enchant Ticket ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Upper Headgear Enchant
What you can receive:
• Gets a random +0-15 RAW STATS [ STR, AGI, VIT, INT, DEX, LUK ] •2nd Slot Enchant (npc_in 118 35) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Middle Headgear Enchant
• Gets a random +0-15% ATK%, MATK%, Long-Range ATK%, CRIT DMG%, Direct Demi-Human Physical and Magic Damage. •2nd Slot Enchant (npc_in 122 35) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lower Headgear Enchant
• Gets a random +0-15% ATK%, MATK%, Long-Range ATK%, CRIT DMG%, Direct Demi-Human Physical and Magic Damage or +0-15 RAW STATS [ STR, AGI, VIT, INT, DEX, LUK ] •2nd Slot Enchant (npc_in 125 35) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Garment Enchant
• Gets a random +0-15% All kinds of element but not the all_element means, only single element. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Armor Enchant
(Keep in mind that if you manually enchant the 2nd slot and then try to enchant the 1st slot, the manually added 2nd slot enchant will be lost.)
• Gets a random +0-15% All kinds of Resistance Against Small/Medium/Large Monster | Max HP Rate/HP Recovery Rate | Reduce all kinds of Reflect | Reduce Magic Damage receive from Medium Size Monster - from 0% upto 20% •A chance to get a random +0-20% in the 2nd slot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ • You can manually add a 2nd slot option, but only up to a maximum of 10% with: • STR, AGI, VIT, INT, DEX, LUK • Any type of single-element resistance (Holy, Neutral, Shadow, Water, Fire, Wind, Earth, Poison, Ghost) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shield Enchant
• Gets a random +0-10% of all kinds of elemental resistance, except ALL_ELE, which means only a single element. There is a chance to also get Critical DMG resistance and Demi-Human Resistance, ranging from 0% to 10% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shoes/Boots Enchant
• Gets a random +0-10% of all kinds of elemental resistance, except ALL_ELE, which means only a single element. There is a chance to also get Critical DMG resistance and a Max HP Rate , ranging from 0% to 10% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Card Collection Permit Enchant
• Grants a random 0-10% resistance to any single element, excluding ALL_ELE. Additionally, there is a chance to receive 0-10% Critical DMG resistance, Demi-Human resistance, Melee and Long-Range reflect, as well as 0-10% bonus damage for Critical, Demi-Human Physical and Magical, Magic, Melee, and Ranged attacks.
Last updated